So you've entered Oscars 100, you've got the general gist of how things will go down come event weekend from the website, but you're keen to get the real nitty gritty on how the event works (it's a logistical beast!), what you need to know, and what you need to organise prior to the event. After all, an event like Oscars100 Hut2Hut is not your average turn-up, take it on, go home kinda event. It's a commitment, it's a journey from the time you sign on, and it's here to change your outlook on life. Or at least, get you excited about life in the wild!

So, DOWNLOAD the booklet we have prepared (available in December 2025). Just as importantly, READ IT!

That bit is mandatory. The reading. Trust us, if you don't read it you won't even make the start line. And you definitely won't make the finish. This is a BIG course and a BIG challenge ahead, make no mistake. 100km is a massive distance. Throw in 5700m of ascent, remoteness, rough terrain, self sufficiency... and you have a few hurdles to get through and around and over (and down and up). Best be prepared.

AVENZA MAPS - mapping App for Oscars Hut 2 Hut

NOTE: one of the mandatories listed in the event handbook is the use of Avenza Maps App on a smartphone, and the downloading of the official Oscars 100 topographical map with course on it. 


More information on the NAVIGATION PAGE, but repeated below. It's important. 


Once set up, the app works WITHOUT mobile reception, locating you on a 1:50,000 topo map. You need to download the App onto your smartphone by hitting one of the buttons below appropriate to your phone, then download the full high-res course map into the App.

Screenshot 2017-01-07 18.10.22Screenshot 2017-01-07 18.10.28Screenshot 2017-01-07 18.10.17

Download the instructions as a PDF from the relevant link - print out if you need to:

As per instructions in PDFs above, you will need to copy and paste this link below (long press on top of the button & select “copy / link”) to load the map into your Avenza App or copy the actual link: